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Book Details

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  • Pages:334 pages
  • Edition Year:2017
  • Publisher:Parikalpana Prakashan
  • Language:English
  • ISBN:978-8189760397

Book Description

Gorky undertook the task of showing the labouring man not so much as the victim of an unjust society but as a person making history, a person valiantly fighting the social injustice of his times. The plot of the novel is based on true events: the May Day demonstration of workers in Sormovo in 1902, the activities of the Sormovo Party organisation and the trial of its members after the breaking up of the demonstration. The events, however, have been artistically refashioned and the prototypes of his heroes, Pyotr Zalomov and his mother, were recreated and thrown into new and dramatic circumstances by the author. As a result we have a work of art presenting a broad and generalised picture of the struggle of the Russian working class on the eve of the revolution of 1905. Gorky’s workingman is a man who is concerned with the fate of the whole world, not only with the fate of his own class in his own country. He is an intellectual in the full meaning of the word. But he is a man of action as well, a man who ponders and philosophises. And he does not act alone; he acts as a representative of the masses. It is a book which, at the time it was written, was of vital importance to the Russian working class and all the Russian people. In 1907, Lenin expressed the following opinion of Mother: “It is a book of the utmost importance; many workers who have joined revolutionary movement impulsively, without properly understanding why, will begin to comprehend after reading Mother”

About Author

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Maxim Gorky

महान सोवियत कहानीकार, उपन्यासकार एवं नाटककार

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