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The Poverty of Philosophy

Book Details

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  • Pages:204 pages
  • Edition Year:2023
  • Publisher:Rahul Foundation
  • Language:English
  • ISBN:978-81-906235-0-6

Book Description

The present English edition of Karl Marx’s Poverty of Philosophy, Answer to the “Philosophy of Poverty” by M. Proudhon,1 is reproduced from the first edition published by the Foreign Languages Press, Peking in 1978. It follows the French edition of 1847, while the revisions in the German editions of 1885 and 1892 and in the French edition of 1896 have been taken into account. The translations of this work, of the two prefaces by Frederick Engels and of the four appendices are based on previous versions. Some changes have been made by the FLP for closer conformity with the original French or German texts.

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Karl Marx

एक महान क्रान्तिकारी विचारक एवं शिक्षक

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